Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This has definitely been a bittersweet month! So many things happening in our lives but we are most definitely happy about the way things are going right now. So this month was our first anniversary, wohoo! Since Abe was leaving to the military a couple of days after the 21st, we decided to have a getaway a little earlier during the month so we wouldn't feel rushed! We took a trip down to Myrtle Beach and it was Oh so much fun! We were only there for a couple of days, but we had a blast; it was awesome getting out of Giles county for a weekend.

For pictures of that, go to my facebook!

Anyway, Abe did his final swearing into the military yesterday before being shipped to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Yeah I admit it has been hard getting used to not having him around, but it makes me happy that he is happy fulfilling this part of his life. I got to go up with my father-in-law to spend a few hours with him before leaving and saying my goodbyes for the next little while (little while is hoping that I will get to see him in December, not until March).

Here is Abe swearing in:

Here we are right before we had to leave (I know.. notice the nostalgic faces...)

I guess I am an army wife now. I am very proud of Abe and for his will to do so much for our wellbeing. I couldn't have been blessed with a better husband. He is awesome!